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Ria Formosa Natural Park

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Park Area

The area of ​​the natural park of ria formosa occupies 18,000 ha, is the most important wetland of the south of Portugal. This protected area is the scene of multiple activities - culture of bivalves, fish farming and saliculture. This important wetland is associated with the presence of an extensive sandy cord, formed by barrier islands parallel to the coastline, that protect the interior of the maritime influence and create environmental conditions similar to an estuary


The Ria Formosa Natural Park is characterized by the presence of a coastal sand dune belt (beaches and dunes) that protects a lagoon area. A part of the lagoon system is permanently submerged, while a significant percentage emerges during low tide. The average depth of the lagoon is 2 m.


(Decree) -Lei n-373/87 of December 9, created the natural park of the ria formosa, drawing the first objectives of protection and conservation of the lagoon system, namely its flora and fauna, including migratory species, and their habitats.


The Ria Formosa Natural Park is part of a semi-arid Mediterranean climate with a prolonged dry season during the summer months and a mild winter due to the influence of the Atlantic flow of the west. far from the regions of origin of the continental polar air masses.

Birds Route

Every year, more than 30,000 birds use the Formosa estuary during migrations and winter, placing this wetland among the three most important in Portugal. It is an important feeding and breeding area for fish, molluscs and crustaceans of high commercial value, with a direct

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